
GestureTek and Xpletive showcase 3D interactive exhibit

It's hard to say how soon GestureTek and Xpletive's latest concoction will have a real impact on the at-home 3D market, but guests at the 2008 Olympics in Beijing were able to experience flight over Vancouver (the host of the 2010 Winter Olympics) via the B.C. Explorer. The so-called immersive display was used to promote the upcoming Games and stimulate interest in British Columbia, and it enabled onlookers to step into a curved panoramic projection dome and virtually fly over one of Canada's most popular locales. Along the way, users could use gestures to pull back and watch full-screen HD movies of certain points of interest. The two firms are hoping to deploy five kiosks over the next year, though they're being awful quiet about specific applications right now.