
Lego Batman cartoon coming, same Lego Bat-time, same Lego Bat-Channel!

Lego Batman is going to use his grappling hook to swing from consoles to television screens sometime in the near future. Traveller's Tales producer Rich Earl dropped the news that an unnamed studio is working on a spinoff animated show. Right now, it's a one-off 20 minute production, but they're undoubtedly looking to make it into a series. You've got Lego, you've got Batman... what else do you need?

We wouldn't mind seeing an Indiana Jones and the Mysterious Lego show either. The tongue-in-cheek humor that appears in these games is perfect for animated shows, and it could prep young, malleable minds to become Robot Chicken fans down the line. Speaking of which, where's Robot Chicken: The Game? Curse you television, for warping our young minds. Now pass us that video game controller.