
The Mountain Goats and Kaki King record musical tribute to Toad

It's very rare that we ever write about happenings in the rarely-agreed-upon realm of music -- then again, we suppose it's also pretty rare that two extremely talented musical entities collaborate on a tribute to one of gaming's most underappreciated ancillary characters: Super Mario Bros. mushroom-headed bearer of bad news, Toad. In their upcoming album, Black Pear Tree EP, the folk-rock troubadours of The Mountain Goats teamed up with renowned guitar-tapping madwoman, Kaki King, to record Thank You Mario But Our Princess Is In Another Castle.

The track, which concludes the six-song EP, is available to stream and download for free on Pitchfork. If you're a fan of the artists involved (or a staunch supporter of Mario's polka-dotted companion), it's definitely worth a listen. Even if you aren't, it'd be nice to give your ears a break from the High School Musical soundtrack you've been listening to for the past hour. That's right -- we know.