
One Shots: A monument to evil

Many Chaos players will recognize the above image as being from inside Warhammer Online's Inevitable City, a place where many players can revel in the darkness that Mythic sought to create there. Unless of course, you're an Order player, in which case, this landscape is perhaps a bit too twisted for your liking. Today's image comes to us from David, who actually sent this picture in at the very tail end of the open Warhammer Online beta. Luckily, the landscape hasn't really changed, so we bring it to you today to enjoy.

Hey Order players! We haven't seen too many of your cities, so we send out a challenge -- send us your screenshots! After all, One Shots is more fun when we have community submissions. Of course, if you aren't playing WAR, we gladly welcome your screenshots as well. Just send them to us at oneshots AT massively DOT com along with your character name, server, guild, and a description of what we're seeing in the picture. We double dog dare you.