
Xberry Live lets you stalk while you talk

As iPhone users have known for a while now, there's nothing more satisfying than staring into your handset's screen and ... seeing that your friends are at home, playing video games? For those who roll with a Crackberry Blackberry and simply must keep tabs on their friends' Gamerscores at all times, Juan Xavier Larrea has developed the free Xberry Live.

Available via this link, the app functions much like Microsoft's own web-based friends list, displaying Gamertags, status, and Gamerscores along with a Gamercard sub-screen with icons representing your friends' most recently played games. Friends must be added manually for the time being ... which is fine, unless you have a maxed-out list.

Xberry Live has been tested and works on Blackberry 81xx, 83xx, 87xx, 88xx, and 9000 handsets, and requires OS 4.2.1. or higher. No word on whether it (or similar apps) will experience any problems when the New Xbox Experience launches November 19.

[Via Crackberry]