
Tomb Raider: Underworld DLC 'especially made' for 360

The word "exclusive" isn't what it used to be. In recent times, it's fluctuated wildly between being an outright lie and a partial truth that slowly erodes with time. When it was announced that Tomb Raider: Underworld would be granted "exclusive" DLC on the Xbox 360, you can understand why we viewed it with skepticism -- surely it'll just be a code that unlocks content already on the disc?

Not so, Crystal Dynamics' creative director, Eric Lindstrom, tells VideoGamer. "The DLC that we're making for Microsoft is especially made. It's not part of the main game that we saved - we put all the game out there that we were going to put out there." The game, which is out there on November 18th, will be extended by some six hours through two downloadable chunks, developed at the behest of Microsoft. In other words, Lara's additional tomb jaunts in "Beneath the Ashes" -- due to arrive before Christmas -- and "Lara's Shadow" will most likely be "exclusive" to the Xbox 360 in the old-fashioned, what-the-word-actually-means sense.