
Stargate Worlds interview with Cheyenne Mountain studio head

GameZone recently spoke with Dan Elggren, studio head at Cheyenne Mountain Entertainment, about the upcoming title Stargate Worlds. The interview topics range from the challenges in moving the IP forward while remaining true to its origins, to the fact that sci-fi MMOs generally aren't as well-received as fantasy titles.

Elggren goes on to explain how Cheyenne Mountain has tried to merge the feature set and gameplay expected from an MMO with the more visceral feel of tactical shooter. A key aspect of their business model is that it's predicated on regular content updates. "We'll be adding new story, new levels, new archetypes and, obviously, new worlds about every three months post launch. This will be free content that we're giving away on an aggressive schedule," Elggren says. The interview also touches on Stargate Worlds having opt-in PvP at launch, which he states should later evolve into 'platoon-on-platoon large scale PvP events'. Check out the GameZone interview with Dan Elggren for more info from Cheyenne Mountain Entertainment on what we can expect from Stargate Worlds.

[Via Blue's News]