
New Furbolg form casting animation

Sure, this is hardly the most important change to come down in patch 3.0.2, but anything Furbolg is worth a mention in my book.

Personally, a Furbolg casting is more than enough excitement for me, but you, our readers, are discerning people, and we know you'd like a little bit of insight tailored to your own expectations, so we're going "choose your own adventure" on this one. You can read either one of the next two sections of this post whether you're the sarcastic and cynical reader type or the excited, "can't get enough rumors and speculation" type:

"So Blizzard improved an animation only used by lowbies (Alliance lowbies at that) with an obscure quest item? Is this why we can't have more battlegrounds?"

OMG Rumorz: "Emerald Dream expansion confirmed, with playable Furblog races! I can't wait!"

There you go: either you get a chance to whine that Blizzard isn't working on more important things, or you can extrapolate a ton of rumors from something that probably took a developer a few minutes to do. Enjoy.

Thanks, Acyronius!