
Wii most popular platform for Guitar Hero: World Tour [update]

Update: RMC was kind enough to shoot us an email to notify that MTV has since updated their story as their figures were inaccurate. Turns out, the Xbox 360 version of the game won out. Bummer.

Wii owners love their Guitar Hero, as it's revealed that Guitar Hero: World Tour, the latest and greatest in the franchise, sold more on Wii than any other system. With the recent NPD numbers, MTV Multiplayer also secured exact sales figures for Activision's latest title. Across all platforms, Guitar Hero: World Tour sold 534,000 copies. Of those, 183,000 were for the Wii.

We know a lot of you were excited for World Tour up until release. Did you pick it up? Enjoy it, or found it isn't all it was cracked up to be?

[Via Go Nintendo]