
SWTOR lead designer discusses combat and world design

In the the second part of their two-part interview with Star Wars: The Old Republic lead designer James Ohlen, IncGamers extracted a little more information about combat and world design. While Ohlen remains cheekily ambiguous about how the combat system works, he does mention that he thinks it's not entirely comparable to anything else out there. We're interested to see if that remains to be true once BioWare has revealed the system in the future.

As for world design, one of the big aspects of the Star Wars universe is that it has tons of planets covered by one geological feature -- you've got desert planets, water planets, city planets and so on. Ohlen wouldn't provide an answer on whether or not BioWare was going to break this tradition, but he did say to expect a mix of old and new, which isn't exactly a no or a yes. In the end it probably doesn't matter, as places like Tatooine or Coruscant can be turned into a singlular zone.

BioWare has finally unveiled Star Wars: The Old Republic, their new MMO! Massively's got you covered on all the details -- from liveblogging the announcement to screenshot galleries and more. Join us in the Galaxy far, far away!