
Age of Conan makes 10 most disappointing list

The end of the year is coming, which means that it's time for everyone to publish their best and worst of 2008. As such, we were interested to note that among many console near-misses like Mirror's Edge and Dead Space, only one MMO made it to the top ten on the Wired listing. That's right - clocking in at number 10, is Funcom's recent MMO offering, Age of Conan.

Though they give some love to the combat system, they say their primary reason for including it is because it seemed as if it were shipped before all bugs were ironed out, and with not quite enough content. We'd have to agree to a certain extent, but we'd be remiss to note that Funcom is far from the only company to roll out an MMO this year that couldn't have used just a wee bit more polish. At least we can say that they are finally getting it now. Whether or not its too late for those MMOs to build up more interest - including Age of Conan - only time will tell.