
SimCity comes to the iPhone

Electronic Arts has released a version of its famous SimCity game for the iPhone. SimCity now joins other EA-released games such as Spore, Scrabble, Monopoly and Tetris.

SimCity is the gateway drug into the Sims universe. Created by Will Wright and originally released for the Mac and Amiga in 1989, the game gives you the ability to create your own city. You're suddenly the mayor, City Council, zoning commission, public works department and school board all at the same time. You can craft a small town with a bunch of farms surrounding it, or your own Metropolis or Gotham City (sadly without associated super heroes). You also have the power to destroy your creations through UFO attack, tornado, fire, earthquake or toxic cloud.

SimCity (link opens iTunes) is now available for $9.99USD through the App Store. A full review of this game is forthcoming!

Thanks to all those who submitted this tip!