
Bioware to chat about Mass Effect 2 at GDC '09

Ninja-spotted over on the official Game Developers Conference (GDC) website is a listing for one of the production track session that sorta spills the beans on what Bioware has up their sleeves for GDC.

Hosted by Biowares's own Dusty Everman and Project Manager Corey Andruko will be the session "The Iterative Level Design Process of Bioware's MASS EFFECT 2." We don't believe that to be a typo, we think they really mean Mass Effect 2.

According to the description, the session will focus on the "Mass Effect team's new level-creation process" where attendees will "gain insight into some of the major issues the development team encountered while building Mass Effect at BioWare." Sounds pretty legit. You can bet Mass Effect 2 will be talked about, shown or completely revealed at this year's GDC.

[Via Shacknews, Thanks Mads K.]