
Fallout 3: 'Operation Anchorage' screens, level cap increase revealed

Bethesda Softworks, X3F's reader voted Studio of the Year, released new screens for the upcoming Operation Anchorage DLC for Fallout 3 earlier today (and can be found in the gallery below). Making an appearance in the screen shots are the snowy battlefields of Alaska, a Chinese bunker and a rad looking ninja outfit. Releasing later this month, the Xbox 360/PC exclusive Operation Anchorage DLC is priced at 800


Bethesda told Eurogamer that the level cap in Fallout 3 will be raised to 30 (from 20) in March with the third DLC package, Broken Steel. Ninjas in Fallout 3? Yes, please.

Gallery: Fallout 3: Operation Anchorage