
PCD shows off pair of texters at CES

PCD has this amazing ability at each and every trade show it attends to show off unreleased gear on giant banners attached to its booth. It's always been unclear to us whether this is intentional or whether they're just trying to stretch their hard-earned dollars by buying a single booth design at the beginning of the year that can last them a full twelve months, but either way, who are we to argue? This time around, the PCD oracle has revealed a couple of trick QWERTY dumphones, the TXT8020 and TXT8021. Looks like these'll succeed the TXT8010 -- which Verizon customers know better as the Blitz -- though it's unclear whether Verizon (or anyone else) intends to actually pick 'em up. Not bad looking for what they are. Follow the break for a better-than-real-life video of the banner!