
One Shots: Something in the water

The dark and twisting corridors of Moria are definitely not for the weak of heart. But today's One Shots sent in to us from Isndyl of The Old Timers Guild on the Gladden server in Lord of the Rings Online shows that Isndyl certainly isn't one of those overcautious souls. As Isndyl writes: After nearly a year long journey, I find the hidden entrance... Someone on the bank shouts 'get out of the water you fool!' I turn around only to see my journey is near its end! Hopefully our brave adventurer didn't get nommed on too badly.

Screens like this certainly show off why Lord of the Rings Online remains a steady favorite for people to send in! Do you have a great screenshot of your character wandering around; in caves, over hill, or across plains? If so, pack it up and send it to us here at oneshots AT along with your name and what game it's from. Epic stories are always welcome, but never required to get your screenshot posted here.

[Note: Image has been lightened slightly to bring out detail.]