
Looking at Deadly Creatures with Billy Bob Thornton

We previously heard from Dennis Hopper on his carefully PR-vetted opinions of THQ's Deadly Creatures. Now the company has released a behind-the-scenes interview with that guy from Hearts Afire, Hopper's partner in stunt casting. "Billy Bob Thorton" (as he's introduced in this video) states that he's impressed with how the game looks, proving that yes, it is possible for Wii graphics to be impressive (to Billy Bob Thornton). He likens the interactions between the cree-ee-eepy crawlers in the game to two actors in a Western, which is actually pretty dang cool.

In the clip, you can also hear Thornton's character voice for the game, for which he somehow managed to affect a more gravelly tone.

After the break, two gameplay videos! After watching them, we totally agree with Mr. Bob Thornton.
