
One Shots: WAR gets colorful

Those weird and crazy graphical glitches keep coming in from Warhammer Online players. First we saw a guard in her skimpy nothings, then we saw some crazy rubberbanding, and today we've got a combination of strange missing and rainbow textures. This screenshot comes in to us from Kriestov, who notes the oddness: This screenshot [is] from Warhammer Online. Not sure what caused [this], but I had to close & restart WAR for it to go away! Looks kind of futuristic with all the weird colours - boyfriend liked it, I didn't at all!

For all that they are kind of strange, glitches can be kind of fun to look at - if nothing more, it makes you stop and wonder what the heck caused it! If you've run across any weird glitches in your travels - in WAR or elsewhere - grab a quick screenshot and send those in to us at oneshots AT massively DOT com. Be sure to add your name and the game it comes from so we can pontificate on what went wonky.