
One Shots: Feeling down? Saddle up!

While it may be chilly outside here in America, it isn't necessarily so in Northrend. Wait, what? Indeed, for all that many World of Warcraft players have seen, Northrend is a frozen vista. But today Clayton C. would like to point out that not everything is wintry white in the northern climes. He writes in: Who says Northrend is all frigid and hostile? Seen here is a pretty cool shot of me and my trusty Deathcharger running with a pack of wild mustangs on the outskirts of the Westfall Brigade Encampment in Grizzly Hills. Whatever people may say about WoW, Blizzard made a very scenic game.

Do you have a screenshot showing off lovely geography in your favorite game? Perhaps you'd like to show off something more personal, but just as cool. Send those screenshots our way at oneshots AT massively DOT com! Be sure to include your name and what game/area it came from; quick stories are welcome too!