
Dark Age of Camelot Grab Bag touches on Origins server issue

Just a few days ago we wondered aloud about the absence of the 'Origins' server for Dark Age of Camelot. We linked to a post on MMO Champions that talked about the history of the Origins server (a promised new server returning to the old days of DAoC), but the big question was 'where is it'? While the server was promised months ago and the playerbase seemed very much in favor of the new/old mix, Mythic has been tight-lipped about the possibility of late. Thankfully the recent interest seems to have reminded the developers of that discussion.

This week's edition of the Dark Age of Camelot Grab Bag touched directly on the Origins server ... though perhaps not as informatively as we would have liked. CM Joanne Laroche offered: "I know that many of you are eager to know what the status of the Origins server is and can't wait for an update. I just wanted to let you know that while there isn't any information to share with you right now, I'm pleased to say that there will be in the weeks ahead. As always keep an eye the Herald for the latest news." So, hopefully more news soon on this front. Read through to the Grab Bag as a whole for additional details on everything from Dragonsworn armor to crafting. Forsooth!