
2008 showed World Tour defeat Rock Band 2 in sales

In 2008, Guitar Hero World Tour sold a lot of copies to anxious would-be rockers. Its competition, Rock Band 2, also sold a lot of copies, but, in the end, was not enough to best Activision's title. So, you want exact figures? Well, World Tour unloaded 3.4 million copies on consumers, across all platforms, whereas Rock Band 2 only sold 1.7 million, across all platforms, according to the NPD. Interesting stuff.

What we'd like to know, however, is how World Tour stacks up against Rock Band when including the first game into the mix. Has the Rock Band franchise sold more than 3.4 million units? Guess we'll have to wait and see on that one. Considering how well Rock Band did on Wii and other platforms, it would be very interesting to see them stacked side-by-side.
