
Rumor: Videos of Pandemic's canned 'Batman'

A 3D animator by the name of Travis Ramsdale has updated his personal blog with a couple of interesting (and sad) items. Describing himself as, "an animator who just finished up at Pandemic Studios in Brisbane," Ramsdale confirms the studio's closure, saying, simply, "So yeah ... Pandemic closed ... I'm moving to Germany."

Ramsdale also posted what he says is his most recent demo reel, which contains two sequences from an "unreleased Pandemic title" (separated here). One, a rooftop chase; the other, a cinematic test. If you hadn't been following earlier rumors that Pandemic was working on a new Batman title -- which was later rumored to be canceled -- you'd think the footage was of just another action game.

Put all the pieces together, though, and these videos (first spotted on Kotaku) would certainly seem to be of work done for the Caped Crusader's ill-fated video game outing, but they are in no way confirmed as such by Ramsdale or other official sources. We've posted the additional cinematic test footage after the break.