
First WinMo 6.5 handsets in September '09, 7.0 in April '10?

Chatter over Windows Mobile 6.5 has grown into a deafening din the past few weeks, strongly suggesting we'll all be treated to the next WinMo release at MWC in a couple weeks -- but how does that translate a device that we can hold in our own two hands, exactly? We'd previously heard Microsoft was targeting the third quarter of 2009, and "sources" of ZDNet's Mary-Jo Foley are right in line. In a nutshell, she's saying manufacturers will have access to the gold code in April and the first 6.5 devices will hit the market in September (okay, tail end of the third quarter, but that's how the cookie crumbles), but she doesn't stop there -- she goes on to say that beta Windows Mobile 7 code will be in the wild in November of this year, with the first handsets following on in April of 2010. That's a long-ass time from now, yes -- but on the flipside, that's a record for releasing two major WinMo versions in rapid succession. Can't blame us for trying to find the silver lining.