
Don't stare directly into the Dead Rising Wii 'Maintenance Tunnel' video

Before watching the video we've posted after the jump which depicts Dead Rising: Chop Til' You Drop's version of the memorable "maintenance tunnel" sequence, we suggest strapping on your strongest pair of UV-protective eyewear. If you possess no such ocular shielding, here's a helpful site that can show you how to make one of those pinhole projector boxes you can use to view solar eclipses. It may be a bit too much artsy and craftsy trouble for you to go through for just one video, but we feel it's a necessary precaution.

We knew Capcom was going to be making a few cutbacks in order to make Dead Rising: CTYD Wii-friendly, such as a reduction in the maximum number of on-screen zombies. We don't really care about that -- but if the final version of the game offends our senses of sight and sound (and yes, even taste) as the post-jump video has, well, that would be a noteworthy cause for concern.

[Via GoNintendo]