
Champions Online heroic pose contest winners unmasked

The community gathered around Champions Online was recently put to an interesting task: strike your most heroic pose and click a picture. There was beta keys and game related swag up for grabs, so the results are of course pretty entertaining. People not only went to all the trouble of taking a picture of themselves in comically fun heroic poses, but they also dressed for the occasion.

Our favorite is probably the character Regnasis, pictured above this post. It's likely this choice has a lot to do with our love of the psychologically challenged detective, Rorschach.

Biased childhood heroes aside, all the the images are fun or creative in different ways. In fact, the results are so enjoyable that we hope this isn't the last heroic pose and/or real life costume contest we see for Champions Online -- at least until there's someone willing to mimic Foxbat's sense of style.