
Prince of Persia: Epilogue to add new Trophies

Trophy whores have undoubtedly played Prince of Persia -- it's one of the easiest Platinum Trophies available on the system. The upcoming "Epilogue" expansion pack continues the story and adds a new magic ability called "Energize." The Prince and Elika must work together to fight a new enemy, the appropriately named Shapeshifter.

The Epilogue expansion is scheduled for release next week. No price has been announced yet, but the add-on Trophies have been revealed. You can check them out after the break.

Gallery: Prince of Persia 'Epilogue' DLC

Silver Trophies

Born Dead
Kill all the soldiers of the Epilogue before they spawn.

I Only Need a Hand or Twenty
Elika saves you fewer than 20 times in the whole Epilogue.


No Time to Waste
Complete the Epilogue in less than 2 hours.


All the Frescos
Reach all Ormazd's Frescos in the Epilogue.

A Fresco of Light
Reach one Ormazd's Fresco in the Epilogue.

What Once was There
First use of Energize in the Epilogue.


Bouncing From Here to There
Complete the puzzle with rebound in the Epilogue.

Leaving the Storm
Complete the Epilogue

The Best Offense is Good Defense
Defeat any enemy of the Epilogue by only starting a combo with a Deflect and Counter-Attack.

Change Once, Then Die
In the Epilogue, defeat the Shapeshifter with only one shape change.