
ESRB rates Crystal Defenders R1 & R2 for Wii

The ESRB has left the vault door wide open, revealing a rating for the long rumored North American WiiWare release of Crystal Defenders R1 and Crystal Defenders R2. Taking place within the Final Fantasy Tactics universe, Crystal Defenders is a Tower Defense style game from publisher Square Enix that takes place after the events in Final Fantasy Tactics A2.

Originally a mobile phone title -- and soon to be released on the Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation Store -- Crystal Defenders will see an episodic release for the Nintendo Wii. Being history buffs we can see that the Japanese release of each episode clocked in at 1000 Wii Points ($10 USD) apiece, and since history often repeats itself, it's a good chance those prices will remain the same in North America. Let's hope history is ignored this time.