
One Shots: Should I stay or should I go?

A while back we asked for any glitches our readers were seeing in their favorite games. Of course, we also love it when we get screenshots with fantastic and funny notes like the one that came with today's glitchy Warhammer Online screenshot sent in to us by Maldronnar. He writes in: You said you wanted some shots of glitches, so here's one of my favorites from WAR. Around the High Pass/Talabecland area there are several caves that never seem to look right on my end. A glitch that still exists even after the 1.2 update is what I like to call "Magical Purple Caves". I've heard that if you wait around long enough inside of them, you'll spawn an instance with Barney the dinosaur as a boss, and that he has some really good mythic drops. Here's my Warrior Priest, Maldronnar, contemplating whether or not he should go in after the children's icon, or continue on to that keep defense.

For all that they are kind of strange, glitches can be kind of fun to look at - if nothing more, it makes you stop and wonder what the heck caused it! If you've run across any weird glitches in your travels - in Warhammer Online or elsewhere - grab a quick screenshot and send those in to us at oneshots AT massively DOT com. Be sure to add your name and the game it comes from so we can pontificate on what went wonky.