
One Shots: Choppa madness!

With the Choppas and Slayers running crazy in Warhammer Online, you can imagine what the different areas have been like - or you'd have to imagine if you weren't here! Luckily for us, Massively's very own resident screenshot fiend, Kyle Horner, caught a screenshot of the action when he started his own Choppa in Warhammer Online and passed it along for us to enjoy today. Kyle reports back: yesterday was the very first day players who completed the Bitter Rivals event were able to play the Choppa career. As you can imagine, many of the quest zones and particularly the early public quests looked a lot like this. Scenarios were also full of the chop-happy Orc players swinging about wildly. All-in-all, it was a pretty awesome day.

Hey WAR players - we want to see your shots of carnage! Just email your screenshots to us at oneshots AT massively DOT com along with your name, the game it's from, and a quick note about what we're seeing. We'll post it here and give you the credit for sending it in.