
Touch Ruminations: It's a MadWorld out there

In Touch Ruminations, former DS and Wii Fanboy Lead David Hinkle talks about whatever he feels like. He's a jerk like that. This week, it's all about Jack and his crazy romp through Varrigan City's Death Watch in MadWorld. The opinions expressed here belong to the author and don't necessarily reflect those of Joystiq, Weblogs Inc. or its affiliates.

MadWorld has been the biggest game on my radar for awhile, both professionally and personally. As a big fan of God Hand, I immediately compared MadWorld to that and expected it to carry over a lot of the things that game did so well: memorably goofy characters, ridiculously over-the-top combat, and an inspired, memorable setting. I'm glad to say that MadWorld has all of these things so far (I've only gotten through the first 3 stages, so that could change; my copy only arrived yesterday morning).

That's not to say MadWorld is perfect, though, as I've noticed some things that I just don't get during my playtime. For one, the game is incredibly linear. Sure, they break up the "start here, make it to there" missions with Blood Bath Challenges, and those are fun, but I want more. Maybe I'm being too selfish, but it feels like there could be more to these missions other than killing dudes to gain points so you can unlock the boss battles. Secondly, the game is very easy. I've died a few times, mainly due to trains and falling spikes, but the enemies I've encountered (save for the bosses) have all been pushovers. I guess Sato underplayed the game's AI.

The boss battles are amazing, though. Each boss character has their own distinct style, and I fought them in very different ways. Jude the Dude has been my favorite so far, because deflecting his bullets with my chainsaw, then rushing in to cut him down, has been about the best thing ever. Well, not ever ever, but certainly fun to the max.

And then there's the commentating duo that is Howard "Buckshot" Holmes and Chris Kreeley (sp?), who add an amazing dynamic to the game. I mean, sure, you're going to laugh when you throw 4 guys into a large jet engine, but it's made even funnier when the commentators make innuendo jokes about "sucking" while you're doing it. I've literally had a smile on my face the entire time playing this.

It's what the Wii needs more of, really: unique experiences tailored to that particular console. MadWorld reminds me a lot of No More Heroes, because both titles take advantage of the platform and create an experience all their own. The game isn't a waggle whore, but the controls have been smartly implemented to take advantage of the features without overusing them, much like No More Heroes. Considering No More Heroes is my favorite Wii game ever, I have a feeling that MadWorld is going to give it a run for its money. Kudos, Platinum Games, as MadWorld may get repetitive at times, but it remains fun. And that's why I play video games.