
TUAW: On the ground @SXSW

Over the years, Texas has been associated with many things: big guns, big hair, big hats, big hearts and pretty much big everything else. In recent years, Texas, and in particular the city of Austin, has also been known for hosting one of the fastest growing film, music and interactive festivals in the country. That festival is, of course, South by Southwest. Or, as its more commonly known to those "in the know": SXSW.

Along with our pals at Download Squad, TUAW will be bringing you some of the sites, sounds and Mac-related news from the Interactive and film parts of the fest starting today and running through next week. So, check back here at TUAW and at Download Squad for all the latest.

Also, be sure to follow our team of intrepid bloggers on Twitter to get even more scoop on the fest. Here's the details: Nik Fletcher - @nikf, Christina Warren - @film_girl, Grant Robertson - @grobertson, Victor Agreda, Jr. - @vagredajr and me, Chris Ullrich - @chrisu.