
Bounty Hunter class revealed in second The Old Republic video documentary

The second video documentary from BioWare focuses heavily on how Star Wars: The Old Republic is approaching story. While that may sound like retreading old ground -- and a little of it is -- there's actually some very new information held within the video.

The biggest of which is the official acknowledgment of the Bounty Hunter class who, according to BioWare, will have "his own movie trilogy" story told to players in the shape of enormous quest lines. And this is in addition to the game's overall story, which puts the amount of story in this game well over a metric ton.

Additionally, we learn that the so-called peace treaty between the Republic and Sith Empire is really more of an agreement to avoid all out war. Or in other words, players of light and dark side will be facing off against each other in plenty of skirmishes throughout the entire game. The news isn't that surprising, especially considering an MMO's got to have its conflict play -- or PvP play, if you like.

Check out the video after the cut.