
Capcom still working on US release of Tatsunoko vs. Capcom

Starting to feel like your North American Wii will never get a chance to spin Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Cross Generation of Heroes? Capcom says, "keep hope alive!"

Capcom's Seth "S-Kill" Killian recently posted footage (found after the break) of a Ranking Battle final at Simi Valley's Denjin Arcade on the Unity blog, telling fans that the company is still looking for a way to bring the mixed-character fighter to North American shores. The post reaffirms comments made earlier this month by Capcom's bizdev and strategic planning VP, Christian Svensson, who said Capcom was "actively working" to get the game Stateside. However, nothing is set in stone and it still may never happen. So, who's starting the online petition?