
Schafer hesitates regarding Brutal Legend Wii rumor

Brütal Legend may officially be for Xbox 360 and PS3, but a recent conversation with 1UP may make hopeful metal action heroes rockin' a Wii take pause. The site confronted Double Fine honcho Tim Schafer about a pulled article by GoNintendo that the title was coming to Wii. Schafer's reaction was certainly interesting, as he asked his handler how to respond to the question, and simply stated, "We are making an Xbox 360 and PS3 version of Brütal Legend."

Indulging pure speculation, it's very possible that Schafer is telling the truth and the in-house version of Brütal Legend is not being made for Wii. We've seen it countless times at this point that many studios develop for Xbox 360 and PS3, leaving the Wii work to an outside entity. That doesn't mean Brütal Legend for Wii is confirmed, but hesitation (and checking with the handler) is typically a sign that there's something more to the story.