
Fans to determine stops on Fallen Earth dev tour

We've mentioned a unique approach the Fallen Earth team is taking to promotion of their post-apocalyptic MMO, a US dev tour. At least one of us at Massively first pictured something like the Gwar tour bus roving about the U.S., or a caravan of armor plated VW buses stuffed with mohawked techno-fetishist cannibals. The reality is far more mundane (less lawnmower blade boomerangs, more 'grassroots'), but at least you won't be risking life and limb to preview the game and speak with the Fallen Earth creators.

Even better, the fans themselves can determine the next stop on the Fallen Earth dev tour by sending SMS text-based votes to the dev team. So if you're hungry for more Fallen Earth info, you can apparently have the devs delivered. The list of 15 potential cities and the rules about how to vote through SMS are listed on the Fallen Earth contest announcement page. They've got an FAQ there as well that should cover most of the questions that could arise in connection with the contest.