
Assassin's Creed 2 teaser site launches, includes severed arm [update]

It appears that the ANIMUS has been fired up once again. A teaser site has appeared for Assassin's Creed 2, along with a host of clues about the future of the franchise. While the teaser leaves a lot to the imagination, it does feature Leonardo da Vinci's famous Vitruvian Man quite prominently, lending credence to the rumor that the sequel is set in the Renaissance era.

Beyond snippets of 15th century artwork, the teaser site doesn't reveal any other details for the Assassin's second outing. The website does, however, include an interesting bonus: Printing off a logo of an artifact that displays at the end of the teaser video and holding it up to a web cam while on a special section of the website reveals a 3D model of Altair's hidden blade weapon -- which appears to be one of five images available. Spooky ... but, hey, marketing team! Wasn't Altair (and the rest of his assassin brethren) missing a finger?

Update: Thanks to our commenters who pointed out a backwards message that says "Game Informer 04.16.09." Expect more Assassin's Creed 2 news soon!

[Thanks to everyone who sent this in!]