
One Shots: On the climb

As we discussed on the Massively Speaking podcast the other day, lots of players are headed back into Hyborea to check out the free 7-day trial. Hey, why not - for "free" all you really risk is time. Today's One Shots comes to us from Royale who is one such person who recently returned to Age of Conan. He writes in: I just returned to the game a couple weeks ago and this was my first run of my favorite dungeon Sanctum of Burning Souls. This is the stairway leading up to the final boss, the Acheronian Warlord. It's quite the hike to the boss, but it was worth it. This dungeon is awesome.

Are you once again (or perhaps for the first time) turning to Age of Conan as home to your adventures? If you've snapped a cool screenshot from your favorite game - no matter the MMO - we'd love to see it! Send it in to us here at oneshots AT massively DOT com along with your name, the game it is from, and a description. Yours could be next here on One Shots!
