
BioWare's Muzyka, Zeschuk keynoting GDC Canada 2009

With jetlag only just starting to subside from attending the recent Game Developers Conference, plans are already in place for the annual gathering's sister event in Canada. Taking place next month, the show will feature a keynote address by BioWare co-founders Ray Muzyka and Greg Zeschuk speaking on what the pair describe as gaming's "new frontier."

The keynote, titled "Emotionally Engaging Narrative: Gaming's New Frontier," will likely build on comments made in April regarding the impassioned Mass Effect sequel, which according to BioWare won't "shy away from emotionally engaging moments." The event will also feature a keynote by Microsoft's Don Mattrick, as well as speakers from EA's Black Box and Maxis studios, both of which have been looking noticeably thinner of late. GDC Canada is scheduled to take over the Vancouver Convention & Exhibition Centre from May 12-13, leaving us a little time to find a way out of these tauntaun husks and brave the chilly north.