
Joystiq impressions: Sixty seconds of Six Days in Fallujah

We didn't have a stopwatch at the ready during Konami's unveil of gameplay footage from the controversial war game, Six Days in Fallujah, but it definitely seemed to go by fast. The video, shown during a very high-concept presentation at the publisher's 2009 Gamer's Night, primarily focused on two things: environmental destruction and squad AI.

Atomic Games, developer of the title, seemed very proud of the fact that its game engine allows for buildings to be destroyed down to the individual brick level. While that aspect of the game looked decently realistic, we couldn't help but look confused when the player character magically regained health and US troops seemed to be able to take several more bullets than their adversaries before clocking out. We expected a little more realism from a game being touted as a realistic depiction of a very real battle.

One aspect that did come across was the game's civilian factor. At one point, an unarmed Iraqi throws up his empty hands and the squad stands down -- only to come under fire from an insurgent who's jumped out behind the friendly. Truth be told, the footage did little to convey anything truly unique about a game that's getting a fair amount of attention based on subject matter alone. We sat down with Atomic Games following the demonstration to get its thoughts on the reception and what it hopes to accomplish. Check out our interview with the game's creators:

