
New footage reveals CodaChain has characters, environment

The internet wizard over at superannuation has uncovered some YouTube footage (embedded after the break) of the upcoming Blitz Arcade title CodaChain. The footage doesn't show much -- the quality isn't great -- aside from the player controlling a little dude with headphones as he gathers up a steadily growing line of characters behind him. According to the official description of the title, each character gathered by the player brings a different special ability and adds a new track to the background music. The player uses the characters' special abilities to solve puzzles. Additionally, the game is set to support 2-4 players both offline and online.

Platforms for the game haven't been specified by Blitz Arcade, but given that its recent Powerup Forever showed up on both PSN and XBLA, it's a fairly safe bet that CodaChain will as well.