
One Shots: Springtime cookout

Ah, it's our favorite time of the year - just perfect for getting together with close friends and cooking out on the weekends. Of course, if you're a player in Warhammer Online and happen to be on the side of Destruction, this can take on a whole new (and rather creepy) meaning, as witnessed above. Today's ghoulish One Shots comes to us from Valentin, who caught this picture of "the prince of Inevitable City having a BBQ party with his minions." This leaves us with another perplexing question - what kind of side dishes do you serve with grilled minion anyway?

Have you seen a huge demon or giant monster in your travels? Were they trying to eat you at the time? (Did it involve BBQ sauce?) We're curious about the monsters you face in your favorite game. Just send those screenshots to us at oneshots AT massively DOT com including your character name/server/guild and a quick description. We'll post it here for everyone to ogle and give you the credit!