
See Space Invaders Extreme's Xbox Live multiplayer

This is new footage from a new mode in a new version of an old game that itself was a new version of an old game. We'd need Doc Brown to sort out this Space Invaders Extreme multiplayer footage for us, so we're not even going to try to understand. We're just going to watch the colors silently, mouth agape.

We'd encourage you to join us in the silence in the comments, even though we're betting some jerk is going to ruin the whole thing. If you're interested in something a little more in-depth than just video of colors, we've got mode descriptions after the jump.

In the 2-4 player co-op mode, all players share the screen progressing through the game together and sharing a common score, as well as a common pool of lives.

Score Attack mode is similar, with all players attacking the same invaders and progressing together, but each has their own score and own pool of lives.

With Survivor mode, each player has their very own corner of the screen as well as their own pool of lives. As an added layer of strategy, invaders can actually be bumped from your screen to the opposition.