
Moore: Microsoft, Sony looking to improve motion control

When asked about motion control during a recent episode of GameTrailers TV, EA's Peter Moore said that he believed both Microsoft and Sony are likely looking at ways to implement and improve upon motion control. Moore spoke most specifically regarding Microsoft -- not surprising, given his former relationship with the company -- which he said is "constantly thinking three to five years ahead" about its consumers. He added that Microsoft probably isn't focusing on simply "replicating" current motion control technology, but rather taking it "one step further." Moore believes that Sony is "probably" pursuing a similar goal as well.

Moore's statements fall in line with comments from Shane Kim delivered almost a year ago, in which he said that it would be "a mistake" for Microsoft to simply "copy what Nintendo has done," adding that the company would have to focus on what its "innovation aspect" would be. Our suggestion: Just make sure it isn't as ugly as sin.

[Via Eurogamer]