
One Shots: We move as one

Whether tales old or new, the danger in EVE Online is clear - only the brave, the smart, those willing to take the chances will survive. Whether by superior strategy or superior numbers however, it takes something more than that to truly thrive. Today's old-school EVE Online shot sent in to us by Franky B, shows off one such scene from New Eden. Franky writes in: The back story is pretty clear in my head still. Every ship you see on the screen was flown by a pilot of a 150 strong pre-emptive strike fleet (pretty big back in the day :D). We were gathering around a planet in the VFK system while the fleet formed a convoy for the supply freighters (the big brick slightly off to the left centre of the screen). All ships had been flying and aligned to the first jump gate for quite a while so we were all itching to get bring the pew pew. the focus of the shot is a Flycatcher interdictor which was also flying in formation with the rest of the fleet.

We love to hear about old-school tales of daring. So if you'd like to show off the cool things you've experienced, send some screenshots to us here at oneshots AT along with a brief description of what we're seeing in the image, your name, and the game it's from. We'll take care of the rest and give you the credit!