
Peter Moore: EA Sports Active is a 'platform'

EA Sports president Peter Moore spoke to VG247 about the state of the economy, offering careful statements about layoffs, sequelitis, and PC releases of sports franchises. But of everything happening at EA Sports, Moore had the most to say about the upcoming Wii exercise program, EA Sports Active.

"I call it a platform," Moore said. "Yes, it's a game, but it's bigger than a game, bigger than a franchise, bigger than a product. It's a true platform that we can sell expansion packs, sell more peripherals, ultimately get some download on there." Interesting choice of words, considering that EA Sports Active's biggest competitor is literally a platform.

Moore said that he hopes to add biometric data soon. "If I can do that, if I can get your heart-rate on the screen, I mean then I can really drive towards what my vision of this product ultimately can be."

Active and other exergames like it, according to Moore, can help EA and the game industry in general deal with "the most vitriolic press," including the Daily Mail, who frequently "blame [videogames] for pestilence, the plague, everything, and I think it's good that we have things to point to that say, 'This is getting you off the couch' and provide a little bit of balance."