
ESA holding charity events during E3

Did you know that by attending this year's E3, you won't just be filling your pants with game-based thermoses and probably catching swine flu? No, this year you'll be helping to give back with charity events the ESA has set up during the event.

First up is Pro vs. GI Joe, a military support group which will allow attendees to challenge our nation's fighting men and women in tests of video game aptitude. E3 visitors will also be able to buy a special shirt from the event -- designed by one of the attendees -- the proceeds from which will, in part, go to LA-based homeless support group The Midnight Mission.

Attendees can also participate in a Red Cross drive held at E3, siphoning their blood into packs that will almost certainly be mistakenly collected by other attendees for an HP boost.

[Update: The ESA asked that we include a few details so you know how you can get involved. Just to be clear, you can click here to find out how to submit a T-shirt design or register to give blood.]