
Write a Halo song, win Recon

Bryan Simon may not be singing Halo 3 tunes anymore, but that won't stop him from spreading the joy of game-related songwriting. BrySi has posted a new video on YouTube to promote the Mythic Songwriting Contest, which could win you ... wait for it ... Recon.

The gist is pretty simple. Just record a song related to the Mythic Map Pack. You can play your own instrument(s) or, as Simon suggests, you can download a background track from Freeplay Music and write lyrics to go over it. Machinima to go along with said song is fine, but not required. The winning video, as chosen by the community, will net a new set of Recon for Halo 3. Check out BrySi's latest video after the break for full details.

[Via HBO]