
Creditors fight back: MIdway gets sued

Sumner Redstone, his daughter Shari (a former Midway board member, mind you) and the mysterious Mark Thomas are all being sued, among others, by the various creditors that a nearly penniless Midway owes money to. Gamasutra obtained a copy of a 29-page lawsuit, detailing the alleged financial liberties taken by Midway's board (as well as the majority stockholders -- Sumner Redstone and now Mark Thomas), which accuses specific people of "breach of fiduciary duty, corporate waste and unjust enrichment."

The suit claims Midway's current financial situation as one that "arises out of a series of disastrous and ill-advised financial transactions that largely occurred during 2008," further positing that Midway's board "either approved of the transactions or, upon learning of them, looked the other way -- taking no steps to investigate and unwind them." According to the report, Redstone's now famous infamous sale of Midway to Mark Thomas for only $100,000 was an effort to obtain a "massive tax refund," sacrificing Midway in the process. Finally, the suit states that Midway, as a company, has been "insolvent" since some time in late 2007 and its board of directors simply turned a blind eye, allowing the company to sink further into debt.

Oh, and Frank from legal? Your wife wants you home. She knows you've been pretending to go to work for the last seven months.