
Massively's European Aion beta key giveaway

Earlier today we told you about Rock Paper Shotgun's Aion beta key giveaway from Wednesday, but that was just a teaser for what we have in store for you. Massively now has their very own beta key giveaway for all European fans of the game, and entering is easy.

If you'd like to get your own European Aion beta key, simply use this link to email me by Monday, June 1st at 12 noon, GMT. If you can follow these simple instructions, you're halfway to flying yourself around in Elysea as an Elyos. The first 200 entries will then be contacted by NCsoft on Tuesday with further instructions. This first beta event weekend will take place on June 5th and run through June 7th, with others to follow at later dates. Good luck, EU players!

[Edit: All 200 keys are now taken! Wow, that was fast! All winners will be notified on Tuesday with further instructions. Thanks!]