
Patch 3.2 will show quest objectives on the world map

The patch 3.2 PTR patch notes have been updated again; I still expect the PTR to go live sometime today. The only new information in this iteration of the notes is what they'll be marking in the way of quest objectives on the world map, and with what markers. We already knew they'd be doing something like this, but we didn't have the specifics.

User Interface: Quest creatures and objects will now show on the player's world map.

  • A skull graphic will be placed on the map in the general area where creatures players must kill can be found.

  • A glowing skull graphic will be placed on the map in the general area where creatures can be found that drop quest objects.

  • A gear graphic will be placed on the map in the general area where players must loot objects found in the world.

  • A chat bubble graphic will be placed on the map in the general area where players must interact with a specific NPC.

  • X marks the spot on the map where players must reach, discover or explore a designated area.

  • A yellow question mark graphic will show on the map to provide the location of a NPC whose quest the player has completed.

I'm sure a certain group of players will be mad at what they see as a further dumbing-down of questing, although another group will be pleased that they don't have to tab out to Wowhead or use a mod like Carbonite anymore.

Keep in mind they're also making the quest log double-paned, with a full list of quests on the left side, and the text of the selected quest on the right. This eliminates the need for a mod like DoubleWide (pictured).

By the way, a big thank-you to Zarhym for highlighting which areas of the patch notes have been changed; it helps to see the new information at a glance.

Patch 3.2 will bring about a new 5, 10, and 25 man instance to WoW, and usher in a new 40-man battleground called the Isle of Conquest. will have you covered every step of the way, from extensive PTR coverage through the official live release. Check out's Guide to Patch 3.2 for all the latest!